
Yo whats up. Im NeoJunkie and this is my very cool webpage. I havent really been able to work on it much but theres
still more I want to add. Anyway, I like to make music (you can find it in the music tab) and
modding consoles. Out of all the consoles I like to mod and hack, the Xbox 360
is easily my favourite. I tend to sell them off though as I really just enjoy
the prosess of modding them. As for my
favourite music genres I can pretty much stand anything exept for country
but I like Hip-Hop/Rap Prog Metal/Rock Jungle and alot of 2000's RnB. I'll try and update this website as
much as I can in the future, I really want to share some of my other works too like demos and cool stuff.

Currently, this website is always in progress. Updates arern't very frequent though.
